Friday, September 11, 2009

Pictures of the Boys!!!

Okay so I still have not posted all of the pics from our fun summer trips but I really wanted to add these. Got them just today and already ordered them!!! (Snapfish is offering free shipping until Sunday just go to code freelabor) Anywho, I thought these were pretty cute. They were taken down by the river on the railroad bridge which you guessed it make Keller's day!!! It was a long evening. Dylan was pretty pooped by the end and Sawyer just thought Cassie (the photographer) was way to cute not to offer constant assistance. "Can I help you will that Cassie", "Oh I can carry that for you Cassie," It was really funny to see my 8 yrs old hitting on a cute little 25 yr old. What can I say he goes for the cute out of his range type(dont we all!!!) Thanks for looking!


Kate and Cole said...

SO CUTE!!! Love them! My favorite is the one of Keller. He looks like a true train conductor!

thorkgal said...

AWE!!! How cute can you get??? I am honored to say I know those little twerps. :)

Erin said...

What a bunch of cuties!!!! I love them! I sure hope you ordered a few extra for their fav Aunt!!! That is me by the way. : )

The Schultz Family said...

Oh my goodness! Those are so cute! They could be little models! I love the hats!

HEATHER and JON said...

Cute pictures! Did you take any with you and Jaren too? Keller plays the role of conductor well. I am ready to see some more.