Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Halloween 2008

Hey here are some Halloween pictures. Halloween already seems like years ago. I am just a little slow. Keller was Bumble Bee from Transformers, Sawyer was Optimus Prime again from Transformers and Dylan was a fuzzy 3 eyed green monster. His costume was the best investment I never had to make. When Sawyer was a baby, Aunt Erin worked at Old Navy and bought that costume for him. He wore it twice, as did Keller and now Dylan wore it for the second year. That is one of the pluses to having all boys. Aren't they cute little guys. They sure had fun and scored on the candy. Being the mean mom that I am the day after Halloween I combine all of their candy and put it out of sight for a few days just in case they ask for it and when they never do I get rid of it. I am soooo mean. I feel a little guilty about it but if it is out all they want to do is eat it and we struggle at dinner time as it is so it is for there own good. That's my justification. Anyway enjoy the photos and I will post again soon!


Kate and Cole said...

Their costumes look so cool! They look like tuff guys. I am glad you updated. I was getting impatient! Dylan looks so cute in his costume. We need to get together and make our nativity scenes!

Kate and Cole said...

umm, halloween is over. Please update. So many cute pictures to post this time of year!

Kate and Cole said...

Joey, just go to my blog and click on the link underneath my countdown. Pick the one you want, copy it and then go to your blog and click on custamize, add a gadget, click on html/javascript and paste it on the big square then hit save. Thanks to melinda i know these things.