Monday, August 3, 2009


Howly crap, a week later and I am still on a high!!!! what a fun weekend. Jaren had his class reunion on Saturday night. Yes 25 yrs. Can you believe it. My man is getting so old....just kidding ya Jar you still act like a 17 yrs old! Anywho, we had fun at his class reunion. It was fun to hear how he was in high school. Then we got up the next morning and headed to Indigo Girls. We met Kate and Erin at a golf store of all places (Cole was buying a new club and when you hear the rest of my story you will know why Kate was okay with that....) So we are standing outside the store and Kate begins to tell us that we will not be able to use our preferred seating tickets to Indigo. I was questioning why that was and somehow she kept a straight face (I don't know how you did) Finally she said "We cant use our tickets because Cole got us BACKSTAGE PASSES!!!" Oh my sake, we were jumping and screaming and yes I did pee just a bit. You try having a few kids and see what jumping on the trampoline does to you!! That's what we were doing jumping up and down with major excitement. Holy crap I was on cloud 9!!! So the next night we got ready for the show. I totally would have dressed up had I know I was going to meet the Girls! So we had to sell our extra tickets which was easy and then we met the lady from the Humane Society (that's how we won the passes the money got donated to the Humane Society extra bonus!!!) She showed us our "tent" that had an open bar to bad we don't drink. So we patiently waited until 7:30 to met the humane society lady we showed up and she took us to a "special tent" parked by Indigo Girls Bus!!! In the tent they had all sorts of yummy food but we were all way to excited to eat anything. We were in the tent doing our yoga breathing and checking our heart rates because we were on the verge of FREAKING OUT!!! Then we saw them walk out and Erin started crying. I had to smack her upside the head a couple times and tell her not to embarrass us. J/K Erin J/K. No really I was just trying to calm her down. Before I left for the show Jaren said "Just remember they are just people so don't act stupid" Thanks for the tip Jaren it really helped me. We kept asking each other what were we going to ask them and I just focused on not saying anything stupid. I have a real nack for shoving my foot in my mouth at the best times. In front of Indigo Girls didn't need to be one of those times. I focused on just trying to shut up which for me is almost impossible. So we walked over and shook hands with them. We told them how many times we have seen them in concert and where our favorite places have been. We asked them not to go back to Red Butte Gardens. (Cant hear them there) At one point Heather pushed me out of the way and they said "Y'all must know each other" We said we were sisters and since I should get a gold star for trying to shut up I didn't shut up for long and of course they guessed that I was the oldest!! Yep being bossy is my thing!!! Loved it! We all got pics with them and I was able to get one photo of just me and the "Girls" I have already ordered some pics and I am blowing them up and framing them. I also had them sign my Indigo Girls shirt that I am going to frame along with my ticket stubs and some memorabilia. They kept saying "y'all are funny" Which Erin said was code for "y'all are weird" We requested "least complicated" because we would jam to the girls on our way up to Targhee and sing our guts out to that particular song. So after we got our share of Pictures and autographs we went and sat at our spot. They came out and of course we all stood up and if you ever go to Boise to a concert you can sympathize, they don't know how to stand and have a good time. We were asked to sit down by the people behind us. My fiery sister Kate said "stand up its a concert" So Erin and Kate went up close to the front and people started to complain about that so a security guard shuttled them right to the front. Right below INDIGO GIRLS!!! Heather and I stayed back to watch our stuff. After a few songs the "girls" said this goes out to the "Hill Sisters" It wasn't the song we had requested but it was still awesome. Heather and I ran up to the front with Erin and Kate and rocked out. It was like our own personal concert. They would smile at us and look down at us the whole concert. It totally rocked!!! After about an hour Indigo Girls said this goes out to the "Hill Sisters" We started to just up and down and they said "I bet you cant guess who they are" "They donated $$ to the Humane Society" Then they played "Least Complicated" I did get teary eyed...It was one of those great moments. I was there with my sisters doing something that we have loved to do for years. No matter what changes in our lives we all still love "The Girls" It truly was a night to remember. All I can say it the night Totally Rocked!!! I have not listened to any other cds for weekes now. Oh man it was fun. We had to call our mom and tell her she missed being a "HIll Sister" I think we are all still on a high!!! Thanks girls (sisters and Indigo) for an unforgettable night!!


Erin said...

It was the most amazing night!!! I gave a speech on it just today! Thanks for bringing me back down to earth before we met them. I am so glad we could all be together for that night but we did miss you mom!

Julie Hall said...

Jo - I am so glad to finally read the details of your big concert! It sounds like you had an amazing time and I'm so happy that you had the chance to meet them! Now I'll have to go search for them online - I'm sorry to say that I have never heard an Indigo Girls song. "Least Complicated" - here I come! ;)

ropenracen said...

I'm so glad you had a good time. I think you all needed a sister moment after I messed up the George thing. Missed being with you all though and the snowflakes.