Thursday, February 25, 2010

Jaren's New Toy!!!

Okay so he has had his toy for a couple of months but I thought I would let the newness wear off a bit. Jaren started to learn to fly around 10 years ago. I was prego with Sawyer when he started. It was mid August of 2000 when he did his first solo flight out to Arco, ID. He was coming into land and a weird cross wind came up and long story short he wrecked the plane. He promised not to fly again until the "kids" (prego with the first at the time remember...didn't even think about the last two) were finished with college. Well that lasted almost 10 years. Pretty good I guess. Well Jaren is back to flying. The first little plane he had just didn't have enough power and he wanted something bigger in case he was ever in the same situation as before he would have enough power to pull himself out of it. So he sold the little maroon and silver plane and upgraded!!! And upgrade he did. He is the envy of all his airplane buddies. It is an awesome plane. Big ol tires and it just happens to be Keller's favorite color....YELLOW! Jaren loves to fly this thing. And I think he is getting pretty good at it. He tries to go at least once a week (still with his instructor even though he has been cleared to go alone) You can never be to careful. One thing about Jaren that confuses alot of people especially if they new him before he was married and even more so before kids is, he was the biggest dare devil. There was not a mountain too tall to snow machine or snowboard. If there was supposed to be fear involved he didn't have any. Now different story. Funny what age and a few kids will do to you. I don't think he has lost his nerve I think he just love his kids more than the thrill. And he keeps telling me that the airplane will be a great way to send 3 little Dr.'s through med school (or what ever else they want to do) I think we have all heard the saying "If mamma aint happy, aint nobody happy" I beg to differ on that I think is should be if Daddy aint happy aint nobody happy!" At least that's how it is at our house and let me tell ya Daddy is HAPPY!

These pics were all taken on the day they flew the plane from Boise (Caldwell I think) to the hanger in Rexburg. The guys in the pics are Ryan Robison, Casey Lindsay, and Bob Hannah. Sawyer is in one as well. Just look at the grin on Jaren's face.

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