Saturday, January 24, 2009

Splash Mountain

Here is the splash mountain picture. Love the faces. Keller loves to see his face. He wanted to go again right after we got off. Sawyer and I needed a break! The one to California Screamin also went through so here is Jaren and Sawyer also. Remember Sawyer is relaxing so it isnt as scary. Cant you tell that is what he is doing?

1 comment:

Kate and Cole said...

OH my word! I am laughing so hard I'm crying! You and keller look so funny. I love that ride. I think it is my favorite. Cole made me ride in the front and I should have just got in the pool with all my clothes on. I was drenched. How funny. Sawyer does not look like he is enjoying the rollercoaster! Too funny. Great pics. I'm so glad you scanned those.