Thursday, April 15, 2010

Feeding the Fish

The other day we went on a Sunday drive. Jaren is back to work and only home on Sundays again. So we went up to Ashton and ate at the Frost Top and then fed the fish. It was a fun relaxing day. We drove up and looked at our property at Shadow Ridge. Keller love to tell us how to get home. You know...turn left, go straight, now right. And Jaren loves to do what ever he tells him so needless to say we saw all of Ashton, Fall River, Squirrel, and Chester before we made it home. It was a fun day none the less. Sundays so way to quick at our house in the springtime!

1 comment:

HEATHER and JON said...

Looks like you had a great time. I could go for a Frost Top right now! Yum!