Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Keller at the Zoo

The other day we (me, Keller, and Dylan) went to the zoo with Kellers pre-school class. It was a rainy, windy day (I know shocking here is S.E. Idaho) but the boys had fun. The weather kind of had the animals on edge. It was also cool so most of them were out and about rather than hidding in their caves. The tigers were fighting which the zoo keeper guide guy said was rare. The lion just sat and watched us as he stared at him. The kids had a good time. I think they got the biggest kick out of drum roll please.....you guessed it the goats. Dylan kept saying "yabby" (Grandma has a goat named "Shabby") So in other words we drove to I.F. to see a goat. After the zoo we went to a playground behind the theme park that I had never been to and the kids loved it. They were good kids and had a great time. Here are a few pics of our day.

Pack Night - Sawyer earns his 1st badge!!!

We worked really hard over the past couple months and Sawyer earned his BOBCAT!!! He had to know a few things like the cub scout motto, hand salute, law of the pack etc. He is such a scouting champ. He loves to wear his shirt with all of his patches. He reads through his book daily asking if he can try this or that so he can pass stuff off. When the boys earn the big badges (i.e. bobcat, wolf and bear patches) the moms also get a pin. Here are some pics of Sawyer pinning my pin on me. So thankful for my good friend (and neighbor) Cowgirl Connie Thorkelson for taking the pics. I dont really call her cowgirl Connie but I think of it ever time I say her name. (Girls you know what I am talking about!!!) Anywho, The theme last month was "dinosaurs" so here are the boys digging for dino bones. Cute kiddos! There is also one random photo of Dylan sitting at the table eating his favorite breakfast....grapenuts. yup the boy loves him some grapenuts. It helps him continue to be regular. You can never be to careful, especially when you are 2 yrs. Thanks for looking!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Keller vs. lemon bars

So the other day I made treats for scouts. The theme for last month was dinosaurs so we made volcano's out of salt clay. I was so impressed with myself for making the clay the night before and getting up the next morning and making treats. Around 1 hr. before scouts I had everything loaded in the trunk and we were ready to go. (a first for me) The boys (Keller and Dylan) love to go out to the garage and sit on the 4wheelers and pretend that they are riding them. So I left Keller to play on the 4wheelers while I did a few last min. things. I notice at one point the the back door is open and my sweet little Keller is climbing in and out of the trunk. I asked him what he was doing and he simply replied "just playing in the trunk" I then said please be careful I have lemon bars back there. Then the most guilty look came over his face....So I said "did you eat the lemon bars?" and he said "ya but they weren't very good" "Be careful with them please because they are for the scouts" I said. Then if I thought the first look was guilty it didn't come close to the next look that I got. "What did you do to the lemon bars, Keller?!?!" "Well don't worry mom, they will be okay" I was laughing so hard when I saw them that I couldn't get mad. (that came after I stoped laughing) He had made mush out of my bars. So I was frantically trying to find something to replace the bars last minute and was of course late to scouts but the boys sure did enjoy there string cheese and fruit snacks! You are one in a million Keller! We sure do love you!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Our night at the Rockin M Ranch! YeeHaw!

A few weeks ago my good friend Kathy Michelson invited a bunch of us from the gym to go out to her into arena and let our kids ride there horses. The boys were so excited to go ride horses. I asked Mom to come and go with me....me, horses, 3 kids and no husband to help I would have gone insane if she would not have come and helped me out. You would think....grandma has all these horses at her house lets ride them but that is just as much my fault as theirs (the boys) for not hounding me to ride. They had so much fun and I have to admit that I really wanted to ride. You forget how much fun it is. I love horses and frankly so did the boys. Dylan I think was the most excited. He did not want to share his horse. We were actually (for once in our lives) on time and the first ones there so the boys did get a little bit of one on one time with the animals and got good long rides. Grams would walk them around and I got to take pics. They were all dressed up in their cowboy duds down to the chaps. Ya got to dig Dylan's hat. Mom you have to hook me up with new hats for the boys. They need some help. Sawyer and Keller got to take their horses into the round corral and trot and lope (sp) the horses. I think it made them a bit nervous but they didn't complain. They also didn't argue to get off when it was someone elses turn either. I will try to find the pics of Sawyer running in the round ring. Anyway, I thought they were too cute not to share. Thanks for looking!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Cute boys in a Pink Playhouse

When I was 12 yrs old my grandpa Hill made us kids the worlds coolest playhouse. It has 2 stories, real windows that go up and down and a door that opens halfway like in a real country cottage. I remember playing for hours in this play house. I thought that we were the coolest people in Hibbard because of our pink playhouse. We stuffed an old mattress upstair and would sleep in it in the summer time. It would get pretty hot but we did it anyway. Many an hour was spent playing house with the sisters. It traveled from Hibbard all the way to Wilford. My children love this pink playhouse. Now there is no furniture in it and I think the kids say a dead bird up stairs but without the furniture and with a dead bird it is more of a boy playhouse instead of a girls eventhough it is pink. The boys love this thing. Grams was able to take some cute pics of the boys in the playhouse. I just wanted to share them. Thanks Grandpa for making this great playhouse for me and my sisters. We loved it! I think actually I know I appreciate it more now than I did then.

Easter Eggs

Here are some photos of the boys coloring Easter eggs. Keller had the big job of putting the eggs into the glasses and Sawyer got to take them out. In the one picture you can see Sawyer bossing his brother around telling him how to do it correctly. I wonder where he got that from?!?! Dylan was not happy with the view from the opposite side of the counter. He wanted to be right in the action. They each wrote their names on their eggs and got to color them. They sure had a good time coloring their eggs.

Im BACK!!!!

I can not believe how boring life is without a computer and how much crap a girl can get all because her blog is not updated on an hourly basis (okay so it has been awhile) Not my fault. The computer went down a good 3 minutes before George Strait tickets went on sale!!!! but thanks to good old mamma Sheila!!! we got great seats! I have butterflies as i type. Anywho here are some random photos of the boys. The first few are of Keller singing in the rain. The boys love a good storm. They love to walk around in the rain with their spiderman umbrellas. Soy has 2 small umbrellas and he lets Dyl use that one. Keller was trying to look cool (the photo with the fingers in a peace sign). They think that peace means "cool". The other photos are from the Easter Egg hunt at Sawyers school. The one of Dylan is just after he tried to push some little boy down the slide. The darn kid was too scared to go by himself so Dylan was just trying to help him out. The poor kid also had a sucker in his hand and I think Dylan was hoping that he was going to drop the sucker so he could get it. Who could stay mad at that little face! The others are of Soy and Keller playing on the play ground.