Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Keller's soccer pics

Okay so I really have a ton to do but its like everything else I love to procrastinate. I really don't like to procrastinate but I do it anyway. I was just thinking that it has been almost a month since I posted last and I hate to make my avid readers angry!!! The boys are back in school and I think they are pretty happy about it. Keller has a new friend Parker. He talks non stop about Parker. You know "I did this (hits himself on the head or something clever like that) and Parker laughs" or "Today me and Parker and Kaleb played this at recess" Anyway I finally said "well it sounds like Parker is a cool kid, is he the oldest in his family?" To which Kelller responded, "Mom, Parker isn't a boy! she is a girl!!!" Oh of course she is!! Stupid mom! So finally after hours of hearing about Parker I asked Keller if he was sweet on her? He looked at me from the corner of his eyes and said "Yes, but don't make fun of me okay!" I said, "of course I wont make fun of you, so is she your girlfriend?" "ya I guess you could call it that" I said well no kissing yet okay buddy!" And Keller says "ewe gross mom! why would I want to kiss her? I only kiss you and grandma and sometimes dad and grandpa! And so it begins!!! Wouldn't you know it Keller the absolute biggest boy is the first to have a true girlfriend. Poor girl! Just kidding. Actually I think Sawyer and Carly have been boyfriend and girlfriend but he just chooses to keep it under wraps! Smart kid. Anyway here are a few pics of Dylan with his great foe hawk and pb&j face. And of course Keller playing a bit of soccer and him and Kaleb. What cute little friends. I hope that this new relationship with Parker doesn't get in the way of the dynamic duo Keller and Kaleb. One more quick story since it just popped in my head. The other day my sweet little baby says to me "mom you are soo beautiful, but as he is walking away he raises his eyebrows and says to himself "but not as beautiful as McKenzie" Aaahh nothing but the truth from the mouth of a 3 year old. Still I sure do love that kid. P.S. Mckenzie is the babysitter we have had since Sawyer was Dylan's age. They (all 3 boys) have had a thing for her. They love her. Each kid has said cute little things about her over the years like, Oh I love McKenzie's hair, or Oh McKenzie smells sooo good mom. They think she is great. We owe her alot.


ropenracen said...

Lovin it, keep it coming. What a cute name for a girl. Parker.

HEATHER and JON said...

GO Keller! He won't even kiss his Aunt Heather! I am glad he has friends no matter if it is a girl. Dylan's hair is awesome. He looks so cute. Where was Sawyer?