Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cave Falls in June

To know Jaren you must know that he loves loves loves a good Sunday drive (or Monday drive or Tuesday drive or you get the picture) There are not many roads in the Fremont County area Island Park included that he has not been on. And the crazy thing is he remembers them all. So our poor kids get to drive all Sunday long. Sadly when you put me in a car I get narcolepsy (is that how you spell it???) It drives my poor husband absolutely nuts!!! He just cant understand how you can be surrounded by all this beauty and sleep through the whole thing. I truly cant keep my eyes open. I wish I could stay awake but it is impossible. Anyway, we realized that we (Jaren and I) had been to Cave Falls but our children had not. So that is were we took them. It has been years since I had been there. I think it was the summer we got married. I have pics that I took of me in a tank top and short shorts, Jaren in all his long hair glory and we stopped at Island Park Lodge to see Chaddy. His goatee was down to his chest and he was rolling an old fashioned cig. Ah the memories!!! Speaking of memories I remember another time that my mom took us to Cave Falls and back in the day you could hike down into the cave (not anymore just in case you are wondering) We took pictures on a big rock that was sitting there. Anywho my mom who was always pretty stylin, had the best side pony tail ever!!! It was great Mom. I of course thought of it on this little trip we took. So back to the story. We took the boys to see Cave Falls. We had heard that the mosquito's were not in full force yet....I would hate to go there when they are really out. The weather was cool but we hiked about a mile back past the falls. The boys love to go on these little hikes. They call them adventures. We of course had to stop and take photos along the way. Nothing to eventful happened but we did have a fun time. If you would notice that we were able to take Keller "Potter" along with us. He joins us alot lately. Those glasses have been JB Welded countless times. We made him leave his wand in the car just so it wouldn't get lost. That's what is so great about nature...there is always a spare wooden wand just laying on the ground. Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

ropenracen said...

You didn't get to go back in the cave...what a rip off. That was the fun part. Looks like you had a fun time though.