Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sawyer's Birthday Weekend

So when your name is Sawyer and you are the oldest kid in your family...you get a birthday weekend not just a day. So here are some pics of his fun day/weekend. Aunt Heather and Jobi came home from Utah and Aunt Erin came from Boise. Dad's birthday is the day before don't forget so we had festivities all weekend long. Ryker and Reese spent the night friday night so Keller and Dylan thought that was great. We got up the next morning and made Sawyer a big ol chocolate cake. While we were waiting for Aunt Kate to arrive the boys were getting really restless. We were headed to play laser tag in Rexburg. Jaren took the boys into Rexburg to the hangar to do something. Here are some pictures of them all in the plane. I think they all got to kind of go for a ride. The plane didn't leave the ground for a couple of them but a ride none the less.

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